Tell me where to send the $233M PDD webinar case study?
What if 93% of your projects passed all checkpoint reviews, got adopted and embraced by customers - in 1/3 the time?
(...and you got weekends off)
Apply my proven tools for FMEA and Principle Driven Development (PDD™), to easily and more quickly overcome system constraints, solve product development challenges and eliminate potentially critical failures. Improve the product/system between PDR and CDR & TRR, to ensure adoption and avoid; delays, reworks, or project cancellation. Avoid expensive warranty costs, product recalls and expensive safety lawsuits. Build innovative systems that are not only adopted but embraced by customer(s).
Go from SFR to FMEA, PDR to Value Improvements in less than a day, from CDR through Validation and on your way...
Over $689,974,320 SAVED FOR

AND 43 other Companies DEveloping or depending on automation and industrial control systems
How it works
Develop 15X More Product Adoptions, More hits than misses, with the PDD-System™
Without high costs of product redesign or project rejection
Stop using hundred-year-old innovation methods of brainstorming, mind-mapping, guessing, thinking outside the box (whatever that means), and stop relying on "trial and error" or Test-Analyze-Fix-Test (TAFT).
Who Is This for?
Product Developers
Those who lack the tools to predict or forecast the next ‘Big Thing’ customers will adopt and embrace, up to 18 years before the competition.
Private Equity &
VC Project Support
Those who want to increase their net profits or IRR, by reversing the 80/20 Rule of project failures.
DoD and
Defense Contractors
Systems Engineers and development specialists who want to take time to add value, but feel rushed to meet schedule and budget.
Medical Equipment Developers
Afraid expensive final validation testing will over-run the budget or cause delays, yet want to avoid expensive warranty repairs and safety lawsuits.
Those who have had some success but see their profits and their projects suffering from the 80/20 Rule of project failures.
If one or more of these concerns is impacting your team, then I can help!
If you’re company has various programs to improve design, planning, team communication or 'creativity'... maybe they work, maybe they don’t. But you're thinking, “There must be a better, simpler or faster way to innovate, improve and overcome design / system constraints and to solve product development and systems engineering challenges!” You’re right. There is...
Win Next-stage Funding and Customer Adoption of Your Product
For the past ten years I have focused on one thing and one thing only: helping product development and systems engineering teams reverse the 80/20 rule of failures. I do this by giving them tools and procedures that empower teams to rapidly;
- Predict the next big thing customers will adopt and embrace.
- Solve development problems and design constraints and add customer value throughout the project.
- Greatly reduce the time and expense of final product validation testing.
- Dramatically cut cost by improving manufacturability.
- Often complete projects in 1/3rd the time.
These tools and procedures helped 28 engineering and development teams at General Dynamics to add value and get all 28 improved devices and systems adopted, saving the U.S. Army $233 million, over the legacy systems they had been using.

The following are narrative case summaries from development project results. The savings were verified by General Dynamics Land Systems cost accounting department.
Mark Eden, David Valice, Matt Vestrand, Scott Stilson
Abrams Flat-panel Displays
…during development of a new ruggedized interactive flat-panel display system for the Abrams army tank, your process for completing our FMEA due diligence study in 1/3rd the time, saved us $51,000 in man hours and then helped the development team remove the most critical issues by suggesting specific and innovative correction actions. This helped get the display system adopted and is now saving the US Army over $3 million a year in ongoing support costs.
GDLS Six Sigma Improvements Analysis Group
Abrams Army Tank Modernization
…your principle driven approach and involvement in our Abrams Modernization program was key to not only identifying the most critical potential weak spots before we even built the first vehicle, your tools for identifying correct principle(s) to solve each of these problems, helped us pass all peer reviews and customer check-point reviews. The new armored vehicle was adopted by the US Army and these improvements are now saving the US Army $16.3 million a year in reduced repair costs.
GDLS Six Sigma Improvements Analysis Group
Stryker Wheeled Vehicle Improvements
…When the huge FCS 'System of Systems' defense program failed due to many unsolved problems and failures before production even started, it became clear DoD needed a new strategy. That strategy came to General Dynamics in the form of new contracts to improve and modernize the Stryker 8-wheeled armored vehicle. We realized that to do this successfully, in the short development cycle given in the contract, that we would have to identify and remove critical problems before final test, so we could get the big production contract. You helped save $1,861,704 in critical problem identification. You also helped 13 of the 15 development teams to remove problems by applying correct principles, rather than guessing, brainstorming, or by TAFT (Test, Analyze, Fix, Test…). The result was 13 improved systems which are now saving the US Army $155.7 million/year over the legacy systems they had been using.
A Message From Our Founder

Howard Cooper
i3DAY Innovation
Dear Product Developer,
Have you ever wondered why most new product design & development projects fail? Most of us have heard that 4 out of 5 garage startups and 4 out of 5 mom-and-pop businesses will fail in the first 3-5 years. But did you also know that for every successful product in the market there are 4 or 5 failures that never make it past the development phase?
And, it gets worse. Even professional private equity and V.C. firms, who carefully select the projects they fund. Yes, even smart investors, with their educated 'product and project' selection specialists actually count on and frequently experience 4 or 5 failures for every single success?
Think about what that means. Every day, product developers seek funding, hoping to be the one selected from many. IF they get funded they then hope to be that one project out of five to succeed. VC’s are hoping and guessing their next project funded will more than compensate for the past 4-5 failures.
But hope is neither a strategy nor a method! I suppose that’s why a recent report from the SPS Database of VC Funded Projects revealed that 90% of VC firms, never FUND more than 3 or 4 projects, before shutting down!
So why are we still following this 80/20 Rule of Failures? We’ve been developing products this way, over and over again, for the past hundred years. And we call this innovation?
Today's product developer needs a way to reverse the 80/20 Rule of failures. What if I told you it is possible to do exactly that? Instead of failing 4 out of 5 times, what if nearly every product you develop could pass peer reviews and get adopted by the customer? The 80/20 Rule of Success! That would be the biggest breakthrough of this century; for invention, for product development, for your personal success, your companies financial success and for the prosperity of our future society.
As an innovator and product development systems engineer, I have also had more failures than successes. I’ve even been laid off a few times because of the way these failures impacted the company I worked for.
But in May of 2010 I stumbled upon the biggest discovery of my engineering career. Based on that discovery I began building a series of tools and procedures to help my fellow product developers.
Over the next six years these tools helped 26 design & development teams solve what they previously described as “unsolvable problems”. Now, with these tools, they quickly identified and applied not only one, but two or three innovative principles that could solve their problem (and did it during a one-hour meeting). All 26 teams then passed their checkpoint reviews and all 26 improved devices or systems were adopted by our customer—the US Army. All 26 are now helping in the Battle Field, saving the U.S. Army $233 million over the legacy equipment and systems they had been using.
That’s when I realized I need to share this discovery with you. I call it Principle Driven Development (PDD), and it's an entirely new way to innovate and develop products of the highest value. Products and systems adopted and embraced by your customer(s).
Want me to Install Principle-Driven Development to Empower Your develop toward 15X More Product Adoption?
(without the high costs of redesign and rejection)