Download the Prediction Tools
WATCH this video for an important opportunity. Your prediction tools can be found below the video.

Presentation Slides - How to Predict the Next Big Thing and Build it NOW
How to Predict the Next Big Thing and Build it NOW. This Powerpoint presentation was given at the Sept 9, 2021 INCOSE Mountain West meeting. Learn how to predict the next ‘big thing’ your customer will adopt and embrace (and do it up to 18 years before your competitor).

Open Windows Tool
The Open Windows Tool can be drawn a white-board, on a large poster, or you may want to project this Excel Open Windows Tool onto a large screen so team members can discuss and brainstorm as they fill in the important information and see where simple innovations can be made to an existing product or system can become “the Next Big Thing”.
Or, used with new requirements and future needs to predict the next big thing and build it now (up to 18 years before the competitor). ‘Helping make tomorrow today.

14 Stages of Systems Evolution
Put just one or two of these “stages” at a time, into the Open Windows Tool, at a time as shown in the, above, presentation to see (forecast) what the product or system of the future will look like, act like and be of greater value to the customer.
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